
Previous fellows

Name Years Research Subject
Leonard Sender (MD) 1988-1989 Glucocerebrosidase (GC) gene expression
Joel Weinthal (MD) 1989-1991 GC gene expression in murine bone marrow
Gay M. Crooks (MD)  1991-1993 Gene transfer to human hematopoietic stem cells
Wanda J. Krall (PhD) 1993-1995  Regulation of gene from retroviral vectors
Jan A. Nolta (PhD) 1994-1996 Gene transfer into human stem cells
Punam Malik (MD) 1995-1997 Lineage-directed gene expression, AAV
Mei-Mei Huang (PhD) 1995-1997 Gene therapy for Hurler disease, Wiskott-Aldrich
Robert Cooper (MD)  1995-1997  Role of methylation in vector silencing
Leo Mascarenhas (MD) 1996-1998 Gene transfer into human leukemia cells
Renata Stripecke (PhD) 1995-1999 Immunotherapy of childhood leukemia
Stephanie Halene (MD) 1997–2000 Vector expression/silencing
Scott Case (PhD) 1997–2000 Lentiviral vectors for gene therapy
Steve Rawlings (PhD) 1999–2000 Vectors encoding HIV inducible apoptosis
Diana Fan (MD) 2000 2001-2002 Immunotherapy for childhood leukemia
Noriko Satake (MD) 1998–2001 Immune responses and tolerance to transgenes
Barbara Engel (MD) 1998–2001 HIV gene therapy
Carolyn Lutzko (PhD) 1999–2004 Lineage specific gene expression
Hiroshi Kobayashi (MD) 2002–2004 Gene therapy for lysosomal storage disease
Kit Shaw (PhD) 2002–2007 Lineage specific gene expression
Roger Hollis (PhD) 2003–2006 Gene transfer to human hematopoietic stem cells
Christof Kahl (PhD) 2003–2007 Gene transfer to rhesus CD34+ cells
Noriko Satake (MD) 2005–2007 Immunotherapy of leukemia
Ken Sakurai (MD/PhD) 2007–2010 Gene expression in human ESC
Satiro De Oliveira (MD) 2008-2010 Immunotherapy of leukemia by myeloid effectors
Francesca Giannoni (PhD) 2008-2010 Immunotherapy for cancer and leukemia
Rafael Ruiz de Assini (PhD) 2010-2011 β-globin gene correction for sickle cell disease
Fabrizia Urbanati (PhD) 2010-2012 β-globin gene correction for sickle cell disease
Sarah Larson (MD) 2011-2013 Immunotherapy for Leukemia
Zulema Romero-Garcia (PhD) 2010 -2014 Gene therapy for sickle cell disease
Kismet Baldwin (MD) 2011 – 2014 Gene transfer to human HSC
Caroline Kuo (MD) 2012 – 2014 Correction of the CD154 gene for X-HIM
Gavin Roach (MD) 2012 – 2014 Clinical trial of sickle cell gene therapy
Carmen Bjurstroem (PhD) 2013-2015 Gene editing in hematopoietic stem cells
Robert Drummond (MD/PhD) 2015-2017 Correction of the sickle cell mutation
Alexandra Miggelbrink, (MD) 2016-2017 CRISPR-mediated gene correction in HSC

Dr. Sougata Hazra

Visiting Scientist (PhD @ Stanford University, 2023; B.Tech. @IIT Kharagpur 2017 )

Sougata is from Kolkata, India, and graduated at the top of his class from IIT Kharagpur with a B.Tech. (Hons.) in Mechanical Engineering in 2017. He is currently a Ph.D. student in the Mechanical Engineering Department at Stanford, funded by the SOE fellowship. Sougata worked extensively in microfluidics during his undergraduate years, and his current research interests lie in the fabrication and performance analysis of extreme heat flux microfluidic cooling systems. Besides research, Sougata is a huge football fan (nerd)and supports Argentina and Barcelona. He enjoys swimming, playing soccer/table tennis, and traveling plus clicking moderately bad photos of picturesque places and sometimes random things.

Zheng Gong

PhD Student

Zheng Gong received his M.S. in Mechanical Engineering (2021) and B.S. in Nuclear Engineering (2018) from Wuhan University, Wuhan, China. He is now pursuing his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering at Purdue University. His research interests include heterogeneous 3D integration, smart microfluidic cooling system, and heat sink design optimization and fabrication. Aside from research, he enjoys handwriting and sports.

Lavinia Barker

Lavinia is a rising sophomore studying Electrical Engineering at Rice University, with interests in aerospace, condensed matter and semiconductor research. She is working on the SCALE SURF Advanced Packaging: Self-Alignment Technology for 3D System Integration over the summer at Purdue, and enjoys building rockets, baking, and playing percussion in Rice’s Marching Owl Band in her spare time.

Chih-Yao Chan

Chih-Yao is a junior pursing a BS in Mechanical Engineering at Purdue University. He has a strong interest in graduate studies in the future. Chih-Yao’s area of interest is thermodynamics and heat transfer. In his spare time, he enjoys video games and travel.

Aksh Iyer

Aksh Iyer is a first-year engineer interested in pursuing a B.S. in Aerospace Engineering with a minor in Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences. Aksh is interested in learning more about semiconductors and microelectronics and how they can be applied to improve various technology such as space technology. In his free time, Aksh enjoys playing sports, watching movies, hanging out with friends, or learning something new.

Antariksh Krishnan

Antariksh is a rising second year at the Georgia Institute of Technology pursuing a B.S in Electrical Engineering. His areas of academic interest include the intersection of IC fabrication and Power Electronics/Systems to provide sustainable and efficient energy transmission. He is working on the SCALE SURF Heterogeneous Integration and Advanced Packaging: 3D Cryogenic Packaging for Superconducting Computing over the summer at Purdue. Outside of academics, he enjoys watching anime, cooking, and lifting weights.

Michael Kurtz

Michael Kurtz is a Senior at Purdue University pursuing a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering with a focus in Aerospace. His area of research involves leveraging ANSYS to evaluate the thermal performance of various microchip architectures. Outside of the lab, he enjoys learning the piano and playing hockey.


Santino Macaggi

Undergraduate Researcher

Santino is an imaginative and adaptive sophomore pursing a B.S in Mechanical Engineering with a minor in Business Economics. Santino has a passion for both semiconductors and thermal management. When free, Santino can be found creating 3D CAD models, playing soccer, or traveling with friends.

Shresth Mathur

Shresth is a freshman at Purdue pursuing a B.S. in Computer Engineering. He is interested in exploring the possibility of graduate studies. Shresth is highly passionate about semiconductors, electronics, the intersection between software and hardware, and AI/ML. In his spare time, he loves boxing, listening to music, and going on late-night walks.

Andrew Modin

Andrew is a first-year engineering student at Purdue interested in pursuing a B.S. in Chemical Engineering and a minor in Mathematics. His areas of academic interest include the fabrication of cutting-edge semiconductors and the development of new processes that can spearhead a new generation of denser integrated circuits. Apart from his academic pursuits, Andrew enjoys watching movies, lifting, and reading a variety of genres.

Aidan Powers

Aidan is a senior at mechanical engineering, with emphasis on computational studies. By using programming and finite element code he hopes to decrease the number of physical iterations required.

Cole Stephens

Undergraduate Researcher

Cole is a third-year undergrad from San Diego, California, studying Mechanical Engineering with a minor in Economics and Creative Writing. He is also pursuing the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Certificate and has a certificate in Entry-Level Python.

Kiet Tran

Kiet is a senior pursuing a B.S in Purdue Mechanical Engineering. He is considering to attend grad school after graduation. His interest areas are electronics systems and fluid dynamics. In his free time, he likes playing video games and watching soccer games.